Lowrance HDS8m + HDS7 + LSS1 StructureScan Network
I want to sell my Lowrance Network, consisting of a HDS8m Display and a HDS7 Sonar. Networked with a LSS1 StructureScan Box.
You get the LSS1 transducer and a HST-WSBL transducer with it and ofcourse all wires.
Good condition, working fine.

Asking price for everything 1400€.

See also in german:
Kevin, .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address), Hamburg, 12/02/2017



Sorry, aber du wirst noch nicht mal einen finden der dir 1000€ dafür gibt!!!

  • 8 years and 3 weeks geleden

Will you sell the transducer only ,i have one thats broken and need a LSS1
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

  • 7 years and 9 months geleden