Humminbird matrix 87c en humminbird 565

Te koop: combotoestel en fishfinder (humminbird matrix 87C en humminbird 565)

Humminbird matrix 87c (combo)gps + fishfinder

Depth Capability1500 ft (500 m)
Power Output 500 Watts (RMS), 4000 Watts(Peak to Peak)
Operating Frequency. 200 kHz and 83 kHz DualBeam PLUS™
Area of Coverage 60° @ -10 dB in 83 kHz 20° @ -10 dB in 200 kHz
Target Separation 2½ Inches (63.5 mm)
Power Requirement10-20 VDC
LCD 240V x 320H
Transducer XHS-9-20-T
Transducer Cable Length 20 ft (6 m)

Humminbird 565

Display Size: 5’’ Diagonal
Depth Capability800 ft (244m)
Power Output 250 Watts (RMS), 2000 Watts (Peak to Peak)
Operating Frequency. 200 kHz and 83 kHz DualBeam PLUS™
Area of Coverage 60° @ -10 dB in 83 kHz 20° @ -10 dB in 200 kHz
Target Separation 2½ Inches (63.5 mm)
Power Requirement10-20 VDC
LCD 640V x 320H
Unit Mounting: Tilt and Swivel Quick disconnect mounting system
Display Type:12 Level Grayscale High Contrast FSTN LCD
Transducer XHS-9-20-T
Transducer Cable Length 20 ft (6 m)

Boekjes, beschermhoes aanwezig.

Voor vragen

Durk Vellenga, .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address), Kollumerzwaag, 03/03/2015



wat is de prijs voor de Humminbird matrix 87c (combo)gps + fishfinder

  • 10 years and one week geleden
Durk Vellenga

Hallo Gerard,

Vraag voor beide fishfinders samen € 150,-
Dat is eigenlijk ook mijn bodemprijs.

Groeten Durk

  • 10 years and one week geleden
Durk Vellenga

Ze zijn inmiddels beide verkocht.

  • 10 years and one week geleden